Saturday, December 11, 2010

So, there are a lot of places in Alaska that are very appealing, for whatever reasons, and even though this move is still probably about 7.5 years away, it's something about which I like to think. The Kenai peninsula, for instance, is really beautiful (ok, can't use this argument, because all of the places are beautiful) and apparently is great for outdoor/water-type activities, fishing, kayaking, etc. The cities there might be reasonable enough sized that we could find jobs, when the time comes, but perhaps not. Anchorage is, of course, much larger, university there has degree programs my husband wants (for now), assuming he won't have his degree when we go (unlikely that he would, considering he's so busy with work), likely I should be able to find a job, still lots of cool outdoors stuff, but I don't really want to live in such a big city, I think. Fairbanks is large, but not as large as Anchorage, ideal for seeing the Aurora Borealis, lots of good outdoors stuff, but, not near the ocean. And Juneau, good sized, cool stuff, but not sure if that's the kind of weather we want to live in, plus it's kind of out of the way from the rest of Alaska. So, yeah, this is going to be something that's decided upon after we actually go and see these places. Can't decide anything before research is done.

Monday, November 22, 2010



The very word conjures up specific images: snow, tundra, sled dogs, totem poles, all kinds of things. But Alaska is so much more than that. I've never been, but it holds a certain magic for me, and someday, when this whole military deal is done with, my husband and I are planning to move there.

That, however, is still several years away. And in the meantime, I will be chronicling our life, and our progression Northward to Alaska. We have a lot to learn. And we need to spend some time up there, so we can be 100% sure it's the place for us. So, this will be my outlet for information, and the details along that long path until we can finally go Home.